Selma (Alleghany County) To:

Cliftondale Park (Alleghany County) Total Length: 3.72 miles
I-64 (exit 24), US 60, US 220, US 220 Bus BEGIN, VA 384: 0 - 0
VA 188: 1.46 - 1.46
US 220 Bus SB: 0.39 - 1.85
US 220 SB: 1.21 - 3.06
I-64 (exit 27), US 60, US 220 NB: 0.66 - 3.72
Creation: Appeared Dec 1987 (AASHTO) when US 60 was placed on I-64 around the north side of Clifton
Forge. This is the 2nd US 60 Business.
Adjustments: It appears US 60-220 was
put on one-way splits in Clifton Forge in 1972.
In summer 2011, US 60-220 Bus was returned to two-way traffic through downtown. Ridgeway St became US 60 Business TRUCK.
Improvements: Paved upon inception; Multilane from Clifton Forge WCL west, likely since inception.
Posted: Fully posted although BUSINESS banners are missing in many locations; numerous cutouts remain as of Aug 2021 (GMSV).
Multiplexes: US 220 Bus (1.85 mi)
US 220: (0.66 mi)
Truck Route: A US 60 Business TRUCK route was posted along Ridgeway St starting in summer 2011 over what had been US 60 Bus WB through the downtown area.
Legislative names: Robert F. Craft Memorial Bridge, Jackson River (since 10/26/67)
Other names: Ridgeway St and Main St
Scenic Byway: no segments
Comment: Clifton Forge reverted from an independent city back to incorporated town in the early 2000s.
 US 60 Business through Clifton Forge
1995 Alleghany County
Previous US 60 Business's:
US 60: 0 - 0
US 60: 1.74 - 1.74
US 60 Business #1: Appeared in May 1958 (CTB) as a
renumbering of mainline US 60 along the Virginia Beach oceanfront. It
ran on Atlantic Avenue from 17th to 44th where Atlantic and Pacific
Avenues came together.
It had been intended to put US 60 on one-way splits using Atlantic
and Pacific but the Virginia Beach City Council requested Pacific be
two-way traffic and that because of Business interests tied to the use
of the 60 designation to call Atlantic Avenue 60 Business.
The CTB stated explicitly in the May 1958, April 1960, and October
1963 minutes that US 60 Business was not a primary extension and did
not receive primary money.
Dale Sanderson reports that others told him the route was still
posted with cutouts into the 1970s. However, by the time I moved to
Virginia Beach in 1991, there were no 60 Business postings. Only a
solitary US 58 cutout on Atlantic SB and a US 60 cutout on Pacific NB
at Atlantic were the only indications of a primary route ever having
been there.
I have yet to see a map label this US 60 Business. I also have
never seen any CTB documentation decommissioning the route, although
perhaps in their eyes it was never commissioned to start with. Given
the horrific lack of posting of US 60 in the oceanfront area, it is not
knowable whether US 60 Business exists or not. |  US 60 Bus #2
1963 Princess Anne County