Interstate 124 
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From:  in Chattanooga (Hamilton County)
To:  at the Tennessee River in Chattanooga (Hamilton County)
Total Length:  about 1.8 miles
I-24, US 27 SB: 0 - 0
EXIT 1 - Main St: 0.6 - 0.6
EXIT 1AB - TN 316: 0.5 - 1.1
EXIT 1C - TN 389: 0.4 - 1.5
Tennessee River, US 27 NB, TN 29: 0.3 - 1.8

Creation:  First appeared in 1955 in the infamous Yellow Book, as a proposed Interstate spur in Chattanooga.  Was numbered as I-124 by 1960.
Adjustments:  Appears to have been built in the early 1960s, along with much of I-24 through Chattanooga.  I-24 was completed through Chattanooga by 1966, so I-124 was likely completed around the same time.
Posting:  Not posted
Comments:  Intermittent-to-nonexistant posting has been the mainstay of I-124 since at least the mid 1990s.  Only one shield, southbound at the northern terminus of the route, existed in 1999.  A northbound shield at I-24 was added in 1999, but both shields were gone by 2003.  One theory behind the lack of I-124 signage is that TDOT wants to emphasize the US 27 freeway, which extends over 20 miles beyond the end of I-124.

The mid-1960s vintage of I-124 really shows, in its narrow ramps and tight curves, especially just south of the river.  TDOT has plans to upgrade I-124/US 27 to modern standards, both to improve safety and traffic flow and to match the newer segment of US 27 freeway further north.  The Tennessee River bridge was rebuilt in the early 2000s, which leaves two older segments, one along I-124, and the other north of the river to US 127.  One potential area of controversy surrounds the I-124 segment.  In the late 1990s, the city suggested replacing the antiquated freeway with a surface boulevard.  The state refused, and shifted focus to completing the Tennessee River bridge replacement.  With that finished, TDOT is now studying the best way to upgrade I-124.

When upgrades to I-124/US 27 are completed, a logical extension of I-124 would be up to US 127, if not all the way to TN 111 at Soddy-Daisy.

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Page last modified 25 November, 2006