SR 6871: 0 - 0
VA 123: 0.50 - 0.50
END VA 383: 0.31 - 0.81
Creation: Appeared in Nov 1964 (CTB), running as it does today. This is the only VA 383.
Adjustments: Between 1980-87, VA 383 was extended west across VA 123 to end just past Rapidan River Rd where University Drive becomes residential. Official maps do not show this but the county maps do.
 VA 383 original route
1979 Fairfax County |
 VA 383 extended west
1987 Fairfax County |
Improvements: Paved upon inception; it is multilaned now but it is uncertain if that has always been the case.
Posted: Fully posted from VA 123 NB in shields, but not posted anywhere else back to at least 1995. The VA 123 posting suggests VA 383 is only east of VA 123.
Multiplexes: None
Legislative names: None
Other names: University Dr
Scenic Byway: No segments
Comment: VA 383 started showing up on state officials in 1978 but was erroneously shown as VA 303 from 1978-93.
 VA 383 spelled incorrectly
1978 Official |
 VA 383 finally right
1994 Official |