From: Wise (Wise County) To: university of Virginia at Wise (Wise County) Total Length: 1.24 miles
Creation: Appeared in July 1964 (CTB) as new primary routing. This is the only VA 382.
Adjustments: In March 1966 (CTB), 0.5 miles of road were added as VA 382.
Improvements: Paved upon inception; no true multilane segments
Posted: Was not posted in summer 2009 when I field visited. I have seen a photo showing a full shield did exist at one time.
Multiplexes: None
Legislative names: None
Other names: Too many to list
Scenic Byway: None
Comment: VA 382 has two access points off SR 646.
UVa at Wise was known as Clinch Valley College from 1954-1999.
VA 382 does not appear on official maps.
VA 382
1995 Wise County